PhysTEC has produced a number of publications that make excellent resources for any institution looking to bolster its physics teacher education efforts.
A Study of Thriving Physics Teacher Education Programs: Development of the Physics Teacher Education Program Analysis (PTEPA) Rubric

The PhysTEC project conducted a study of thriving physics teacher education programs that identified common successful practices and structures. It was used to develop the Physics Teacher Education Program Analysis (PTEPA) Rubric, which provides a framework and guide for reflecting and improving upon physics teacher preparation programs.
If you want to use the PTEPA Rubric, start here.
Stephanie V. Chasteen, Rachel E. Scherr and Monica Plisch, A Study of Thriving Physics Teacher Education Programs: Development of the Physics Teacher Education Program Analysis (PTEPA) Rubric. (American Physical Society, College Park, MD, 2018).
Author List:
Stephanie V. Chasteen, Rachel E. Scherr, Monica Plisch
Recruiting and Educating Future Physics Teachers: Case Studies and Effective Practices

A practical guide to innovative, state-of-the-art programs, Recruiting and Educating Future Physics Teachers includes numerous papers and places strong emphasis on implementation advice, ongoing challenges, and lessons learned.
Entire book:
C. Sandifer and E. Brewe, eds., Recruiting and Educating Future Physics Teachers: Case Studies and Effective Practices (American Physical Society, College Park, MD, 2015).
Sample book chapter:
S. Vokos and T. Hodapp, Characteristics of thriving physics teacher education programs, in Recruiting and Educating Future Physics Teachers: Case Studies and Effective Practices, edited by C. Sandifer and E. Brewe (American Physical Society, College Park, MD, 2015), pp. 3-19.
Editor List:
Cody Sandifer, Eric Brewe
Sustaining Programs in Physics Teacher Education: A Study of PhysTEC Supported Sites

Several institutions were studied to document the sustainability of physics teacher education programs established by the PhysTEC project. Most have sustained their increased production of physics teachers, and half of the studied sites sustained large increases.
Rachel E. Scherr, Monica Plisch, and Renee Michelle Goertzen, Sustaining Programs in Physics Teacher Education: A Study of PhysTEC Supported Sites (American Physical Society, College Park, MD, 2014).
Author List:
Rachel E. Scherr, Monica Plisch, Renee Michelle Goertzen
Transforming the Preparation of Physics Teachers: A Call to Action

This report by the Task Force on Teacher Education in Physics (T-TEP) documents the state of physics teacher preparation in the United States and makes recommendations for the development of exemplary physics teacher education programs. This includes establishing regional centers in physics education, which would be the main regional producers of well-qualified physics teachers and a nexus for scholarly work on physics education. In addition, the centers would help veteran science teachers at all levels deepen their knowledge and skills.
David E. Meltzer, Monica Plisch, and Stamatis Vokos, editors, Transforming the Preparation of Physics Teachers: A Call to Action. A Report by the Task Force on Teacher Education in Physics (T-TEP) (American Physical Society, College Park, MD, 2012).
Editor List:
David E. Meltzer, Monica Plisch, Stamatis Vokos
Teacher Education in Physics: Research, Curriculum, and Practice

This publication brings reports reflecting cutting-edge research and practice in physics teacher education and reprints of previously published seminal papers to provide a single resource for scholarly work in this area. The papers included in this book address physics and physical-science teacher preparation, with a focus on physics education research and research-based instruction and curriculum development.
David E. Meltzer and Peter S. Shaffer, editors, Teacher Education in Physics: Research, Curriculum, and Practice (American Physical Society, College Park, MD, 2011).
Editor List:
David E. Meltzer, Peter S. Shaffer
Evaluation Reports
PhysTEC employs Stephanie Chasteen, of Chasteen Educational Consulting, to evaluate multiple facets of the project and uses the resulting recommendations for strategic planning and project improvement.
2022 PTEPA Regression Study: This series of regression studies work to answer the question, “What factors predict teacher graduation rates at PhysTEC sites?” This report is the fourth analysis by Dr. Remy Dou and was conducted on PhysTEC legacy sites.
2022 PTEPA Reliability Report: This review of results from the PTEPA found that the non-expert ratings on the PTEPA are fairly reliable, but some modifications are needed where item wording is misleading, and that ratings are often challenging to determine.
2022 PhysTEC Online Conference Evaluation: This Conference evaluation found that participants valued the online conference, and an “unconference” can be a useful element of future conferences.
2022 Annual External Evaluation: An analysis of the project as a whole, finding that PhysTEC results in scalable and sustainable change, largely through impaccts on people, culture, and structure.
2022 Funded Site Graduation Rate Evaluation: This analysis of student graduation rates at N-43 former PhysTEC sites found that PhysTEC funding is associated with significant gains during funding, particularly for Comprehensive grants. The report includes details about graduation rate sustainability, predictors, and long-term impacts.
2022 Regression Study of PTEPA Results: This analysis of PTEPA results versus student graduation rates found that the PTEPA rubric results are not predictive of graduation rates; rather, pre-funding graduation rates are the best predictor of teacher graduation rates during and after funding.
2021 Annual External Evaluation: An analysis of the project as a whole, focused on scaling and sustainability. This evaluation found that PhysTEC grants result in scalable and sustainable change. These changes are most consistent for larger grants, but smaller grants are cost effective.
2021 PhysTEC Online Conference Evaluation: An evaluation of the 2021 online conference. The evaluation found very positive results, with a variety of pros and cons related to in-person conferences. The online conference did not draw newcomers to PhysTEC.
2021 Analysis of PhysTEC Certification Pathways: An analysis of all N=921 students graduated from PhysTEC institutions through 2020. This report showed that most receive a physics major (or equivalent), and more than half are certified through a postbaccalaureate route.
2021 Regression Study of PhysTEC Legacy Sites: A statistical analysis of teacher graduation rates at formerly funded PhysTEC sites. This report found that teacher graduation rates at those sites is strongly related to whether the site was funded as a Comprehensive site (the largest dollar amount grant). Department size was not found to predict teacher graduation rates.
2021 Comprehensive II Sustainability Study - Summary Report: An extensive study of the sustainability of 16 PhysTEC Comprehensive grants funded from 2010-2015 (grant amount: $300,000 over 3 years). The report found that these sites often sustain their programs and graduation rates, and that PhysTEC supported “proof of concept” for physics teacher education enabling this sustainability. The study supports a model that motivated people, culture, and structure are all required for sustainability. The Executive Summary and Full Report are also available for download.
2020 Annual External Evaluation: An analysis of the project as a whole, focusing on whether PhysTEC activities are effective levers of change. This evaluation found that PhysTEC activities are reaching a wide variety of institutions and faculty, are well-received, and that the project is engaged in continuous improvement.
2020 PhysTEC Recruiting Site Sustainability Evaluation: A review of long-term outcomes from the 9 recruiting sites awarded from 2014-2017 (grant amount: $30,000 over 3 years). The evaluation found that all sites experienced tangible benefits, including increases in recruiting activity, with a small increase in teacher graduation rates on average. The most successful sites had a strong climate for teaching.
2020 PhysTEC Conference Evaluation: An analysis of outcomes from the 2020 conference in Denver, CO. The evaluation found that the conference was successful in sharing information and promoting network formation. Many attendees indicated that perceptions of teaching as a career was a significant hurdle to teacher recruitment, as well as state certification requirements.
2019 Targeted Site Sustainability Evaluation: A review of long-term outcomes from the 8 targeted sites awarded 2010-2013 (grant amount: $75,000 over 3 years). The evaluation found that targeted sites resulted in positive impacts on physics teacher education programs, but sustainability of graduation rates was mixed. Exemplary targeted sites had strong institutional commitment and undergraduate programs.