Physics consistently ranks among the subjects most in need of high school teachers. Joining PhysTEC is key to addressing this severe national shortage. The future of an educated, scientifically literate population and physics as a discipline depends on high-quality teachers. Become an advocate for physics teacher education, and make a difference by applying for your institution to be a PhysTEC member.
Membership Benefits
Coalition members share innovative ideas, learn from national leaders in the field, and promote awareness of the importance of physics and physical science teacher education efforts. Specific benefits include:
- Discounted registration to the annual PhysTEC Conference
- Eligibility for PhysTEC grants and fellowships
- Eligibility for awards such as The 5+ Club and nominating a Teacher of the Year
Membership Requirements
Any college or university that is committed to becoming part of the solution to resolving the physics teacher shortage is welcome to apply, whether it is just beginning work in physics teacher preparation or is already engaged in preparing future physics teachers. There is no cost to join.
Please note that coalition membership is not currently available to high schools. PhysTEC strongly recommends high school teachers join the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). This organization serves current physics teachers and those who develop curricula for high school physics courses.