The logo's swirl symbol is representative of various physics images and functions such as orbitals and gravitational waves. The people figures point to teacher-student cooperation and evoke a sense of community.
Primary Logo
The primary PhysTEC (Physics Teacher Education Coalition) logo is 4-color. Acceptable color variations are all black and all white.
The logo can be used with or without the tagline. The logo wordmark and symbol can be used independently.
The official PhysTEC logo may be incorporated into other logo designs as long as the PhysTEC colors are used and there is sufficient padding around the logo to maintain its independent space in the overall design. Any design incorporating the PhysTEC logo must be submitted to PhysTEC staff (phystec@aps.org) for approval.
If the PhysTEC logo is used on any web page, it must be accompanied by one of these alternative text tags:
- alt=”PhysTEC”
- alt=”Physics Teacher Education Coalition”
Logo with Tagline
Additional Lockups
Tagline font is Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk Condensed.